Friday, August 14, 2009


Rs250 per month (~ $5 for the uninitiated). You probably spend more than that on a coffee everyday but its inspiring to see what my dad has achieved from such humble beginnings. Yeah yeah I know it wasn't that small an amount back in the 70's but then again, it didn't really afford one more than the average basic living... lifestyle might probably be too big a word so you get an idea of what I mean (or ur pretty thick if u don't). I don't have any accurate recollection of our 'lifestyle' when I was a kid but what I can recall however are how the seemingly small thing's were appreciated. How every ice gola that we devoured was a treat and every chocolate a luxury. I have no memory of us ever going out for dinner.

Taking up a job that moved us out of India is probably the best and most important step that my dad took. Though the money wasn't a whole lot, the move however was crucial in shaping me into becoming who I am today. I have grown up in an environment that was overly protective.... which is not surprising considering I was the youngest (and cutest not to forget) with 2 elder sisters. I grew up learning values which I hope to pass onto my kids the way they were instilled in me. Simplicity has been the core of our upbringing and our parents never showered us with worldly stuff nor was every whim or fancy obliged despite their being in a better financial situation. Save now and want later than want now and save later kinda was the motto of my parents and still is to this day. No they are not misers but they know where to draw the line between wasteful spending and an austere living.... something that my mom never fails to remind me.

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